
Scoliosis is when a curvature in the spine occurs. This can happen at any time, but is most common in children and teenagers.  The cause is not well known, but there are many possible factors e.g.


Common symptoms are:

Other signs of scoliosis can be one when foot pronates more to compensate for scoliosis; one leg is knock kneed; or one leg bends when the other is straight when standing, to compensate.


It is important  confirm any assessment findings and to identify structural or functional differences,  a referral for an EOS, X-ray, CT scan or MRI would be provided.  This will also will show up the magnitude of the issue, so the correct treatment, if any, can be prescribed. If the patient has come directly to a podiatrist, referral to an orthopedic surgeon via the patient’s general practitioner is recommended, with follow up after surgery to aid rehabilitation.  Early diagnosis is important to get the best outcomes.
